Friday, February 8, 2013

Our New Place

We moved!!!!

I am so excited to announce that we have officially moved into a three-bedroom townhouse!  We have so much more room to breathe now that the Love Bug has his own room, and we can actually use our dining room table.

Here are the promised pictures of our new place... still unpacking and decorating, but nevertheless here they are!

Utility Room
Guess what!  Hubby's tools aren't in the bedroom any more!  Woot Woot!!

I had this idea to go with a quilting theme in the kitchen... it's still coming along, but I think I'm going to like it!
Our storage area is a lot smaller than our old one, but we certainly don't need as much storage as we did there!  It's pretty cool... you go through the hall closet to the space under the stairs to access your storage.
Dining Room
That's right - - we have a dining room!!  We'll be getting a stand for the fish tank (and a new fish tank - - it cracked a little in the move) so that we can use the record player.
Living Room
The rug is new!
It's so strange having stairs in our new place... especially with a 1-year-old.  Remembering to set up the baby gate has been new.  We're going to put up more family pictures.
We are still working out what will be in the office.  Eventually we want to have a pull-out couch so that guests can stay over (it'll double as a guest room).
Ahhhh... Love Bug has a bedroom to himself!  It's been wonderful.
The toilet paper is accessible from the toilet seat!!  (In our old apartment, the toilet paper was far away from the toilet...)
Master Bedroom
It's so big!!!!  And our closet is huge, too!
Praise the Lord for this new season of our lives!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats you guys!!!! I'm sure this feels like its been a long time coming!!! (o: Give David a big hug from me!
