Tuesday, February 19, 2013

If Only We Could Pay Our Hubbies

I recently wrote a post about what our paychecks would be as Stay-At-Home Moms.  It gave me the idea to write a post about how much our hubbies do outside of their punch-the-clock job.

I am so blessed to have a husband who cares about our family and loves being at home!  Unfortunately, he is not able to be at home nearly as much as either of us would like.  He works long hours and has a very long commute each day.  Thankfully he now has Saturdays and Sundays off, so he has a little more time to spend with our family!  I can't begin to express, to you or to him, how incredibly thankful I am for my husband!

I wish I could "pay" him for all that he does, but I know that he feels the same way I do when "working" at home - - that the work is its own reward.  Here is how I would like to pay my hubby...

Setting the table - - A peck on each cheek
Putting our son down for bed - - Tickle Fight!!
Planning a date - - :x ;)
Clearing the table - - A big bear hug
Playing with our son - - A night of cuddling
Doing Dishes - - One long kiss
Doing anything off of his honey-do list - - A romantic kiss for each minute it takes him
Helping me in the kitchen - - A good old fashioned flour fight!

What does your hubby do that lets you know he cares about your family?

Monday, February 18, 2013

Card Table Makeover!

We have a card table that belonged to my late grandmother.  Well, it's pretty old - - and has some scratches in it.  I like having a card table, but I really would like it to look nicer.  I was putsing around on Pinterest and I found this craft idea!  The original idea came from The Bearded Family's blog.  Here's what I did with mine!

What you'll need
  • Card Table
  • Vinyl Tablecloth
  • Staple Gun (and Staples)
  • Scissors
  • Flathead Screwdriver
  • A big open space (the floor works)
Step One - - Flip the Table
Pull out the legs and flip!  Can you do that?  If so, you can do the rest of this project... trust me, it's super easy!

Step Two - - Take out the screws
Don't let the screws scare you!  They're not difficult to get out with just a regular screwdriver.  Dig through your hubby's tool box and find a flat head screwdriver (looks just like it sounds).  Turn the screw counter-clockwise.  Righty-Tighty, Lefty-Loosey!

Step Three - - Take off the frame
Cool, huh?  Be sure not to lose those screws!

Step Four - - Lay out your tablecloth
I bought my tablecloth for super cheap at Walmart... also check the Christmas Tree Shoppe!
Lay the tablecloth on the floor face-down (because you want the design to show when you're done).  Place your table top face-down on top of that.  Make the tablecloth as flat as possible.

Step Five - - Staple while pulling tight

This is the trickiest part of the whole process.  You want to staple the edges of your tablecloth right next to where the original tabletop was stapled.  I used a normal paper stapler, and it was difficult.  Not all the staples held, and I tried hammering them in but that didn't always work either.  I would have used a staple gun, but I couldn't find staples that were short enough to not go through the whole table.

Start at the edge of your table, not at a corner.  Go all the way along the edge with your stapler.

I went from stapling one edge to stapling the adjacent edge (skipping corners - - I saved those for last).  This worked well when it came to pulling the tablecloth tight.  You don't want any wrinkles!!

To do the corners, what you want to do is start at the very edge of the corner and pull the cloth tight with one hand while you staple with the other.

When you have that first staple in, make a cut next to the staple (not too close, and not too far).  This will allow you to pull the middle of your corner straight without creating layers that a normal stapler can't go through.

Next, pull tight and staple again right in the middle of your corner.

Then you'll make another cut.
Staple the last end of the tablecloth.  Cut off the excess cloth.  Don't cut too close to the staples that you have made.  You might also want to put in some more staples around the corner.

Step Six - - Reattach the frame

If you took it off, you can put it back on!  Screw clockwise this time (righty-tighty).

You're done!  How did it turn out?  Send me a picture, leave a comment!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Stay-At-Home Mama's Paycheck

This is just for fun today - - I was thinking about how much I might be paid if I were a "professional" Stay-at-Home Mom... here's what I came up with!

Choose how you would be paid, and calculate it!  It's fun :)

Childcare - - Minimum Pay $80.41/day, or $402.05/week
Classroom Teacher - Work 7:30-6:30, with two one-hour breaks for nap time = 9 hours a day at $7.25/hr
...if you have early childhood credits, add another $.25/hr for each credit
...if you have a college degree, add another $.75/hr
At the very minimum - - $65.25 per day

Daycare Director (if you push paperwork for your child's medical care, babysitters, etc.) - ~2 hours per month = 4 minutes/day at $10/hr
...if your child has special needs, add more time based on how much paperwork there is
...if you have a business degree, add another $5/hr
...if you have more than one child, double, triple, quadruple the time accordingly
At the very minimum - - $.66 per day

Extra Help (if you have children with special needs) - 2 hours per day at $7.25/hr
...if you have a degree in special education, you should be making around $10/hr (and add more if you have graduate degrees)
...depending on the extent of the needs of your child, add more time
At the very minimum - - $14.50 per day

Housework - - Minimum Pay $19/day, or $95/week
You'll have to calculate your own housework hours, based on how big your house is
Minimum 1 hour per day at an average of $15/hr
...if you have experience cleaning houses professionally, use the rate you used when you cleaned
...if you make your own cleaners, add in the hours spent making them and the money you saved your family

Laundry - - $4/load, averaging 1 load a day for a small family = $4/day, or $20/week
...if you wash your clothes by hand, calculate your pay hourly based on time you spend actively washing/hanging/folding clothes at $8/hr
...if you hang-dry your machine-washed clothes, add $.50 per load for saving your family money
...add another $1/hr per child in your family (add another $1/hr for each child if you hand-wash)
At the very minimum - - $4 per day

Bill Paying - - Minimum Pay $3.11/day, or $21.77/week
Taxes - Once a year, if you do your own $30/hour (add $5 for each year of experience you have doing this) for 3 hours
At the very minimum - - $.25 per day
($90 per year / 365 days)
Monthly Bills - $2 per bill you pay by writing the check and mailing, figure 5 bills a week
...if you have to go to the Post Office, add another $4 per trip for travel time
...if you have to walk across the street to get to the mailbox, add another $3 per crossing ($6 per trip to the mailbox) for the danger
At the very minimum - - $1.43 per day
($10 per week / 7 days)
Weekly Budget Meeting -2 hours a week at $5/hr = $10 per week
...if you have gone through any coursework that helps with budgeting, add another $3 per week
...if you stick to the budget, you get another $3 per week

At the very minimum - - $1.43 per day
($10 per week / 7 days)

Health Care - - Minimum Pay $4.29/day, or $30/week
Boo Boo Preparedness - Flat rate of $30/week
...if you have a degree in medicine, add however much you think that's worth
...if you have more than one child, add another $10 per week per child
...if you have boys, add another $5 per boy per week
...if you have toddlers between the ages of 13months-24months, add another $5 per toddler per week
At the very minimum - - $4.29 per day
($30 per week / 7 days)
Meal Preparation - - Minimum Pay  $15/day, or $105/week
Each Meal - $5 per meal (or $15 per day)
...if you cook from scratch, add in another $5 per meal
...if you ever bake, add another $2 per baked good you make each week on average
...if you use organic ingredients, add another $1 per meal
...if you cook for guests at least once every week, add another $10 per week
...if you have more than 4 people to cook for (including yourself), add another $1 per meal
...if you make separate meals for different kids because of picky eaters or allergies, count those meals separately
At the very minimum - - $15 per day

Minimum Yearly Pay: $33,998.64

So... can your hubby afford to pay you?

This certainly isn't meant to downgrade what our hubbies do to support our families.  It's just fun to look at, and hopefully will boost your spirits the next time you feel like what you are doing isn't worthwhile.  Above all else, remember what God says about our job:

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.
~ Colossians 3:23

Friday, February 15, 2013

Daily Bread Box

I don't know what gave me the idea for this box - - though I can't imagine it's an original idea.  I have been having trouble spending daily time in God's Word, and as I was thinking about how I wanted to arrange our new apartment, I came up with this idea!

God's Word is supposed to be our daily bread - - meaning His Word is what fills us up, and we need it every day.  I need to get better at this, so I came up with the daily bread box.  The little box that clementines come in is how I started.  When we had finished eating up those yummy clementines, I got to work decorating my box!
The theme in my new kitchen is quilting.  I made this utensil canister at my beloved Splatters Studio, and that is what I am creating my kitchen based off of.

To make your Daily Bread Box, you'll need:
  • Empty Clementine Box
  • Scrapbooking paper
  • Mod Podge
  • Paint Brush
  • Newspaper
  • Staple Remover (Scissors work, too)
  • A space away from any kiddos
 *I couldn't find a paint brush in my house to save my life, so I used a sock.  I am a firm believer that if you have to buy supplies to make a craft, it isn't saving you money.  I didn't want to invest any money in this craft.

Step One - - Remove Staples
The first thing to do is to get those extra staples out of your box.  It was a little difficult just using scissors, but I managed to get all of them!  Be careful as you do this to not take out the staples that are actually holding the box together.

Step Two - - Mod Podge
After all your staples are out, you can start in with your Mod Podge!  You'll want your paper cut out beforehand so that your Mod Podge doesn't dry out as you're cutting.

How To Mod Podge:

Mini-Step One - - Glob the stuff on surface
Put a nice glob of Mod Podge all over the surface, as big as your first piece of paper that you are gluing down.

Mini-Step Two - - Place paper on the Mod Podge
Place your paper on the Mod Podge.  You'll want to smooth it out so that there are no air bubbles underneath it, and so your paper is tight against the surface of your craft.

Mini-Step Three - - Paint Mod Podge over the paper
Mod Podge is glue that you put under and on top of your paper.  It will make the surface smooth and glossy.

Step Three - - Let Dry
This is an important step.  Give your Daily Bread Box plenty of time to dry.  If you touch it before it completely dries, you'll be left with paper shreds coming off of the area you touched.

Step Four - - Fabric Paint
I used fabric paint to create stitching on my box (quilting theme).  I also used it to write Daily Bread Box on it!

This craft could totally be done many different ways.  I can imagine that staining the wood would look very cool, or you could even go more primitive and paint it.  If you make a Daily Bread Box and do it differently, send me the link and I'll link it here in my post!!

Happy Crafting!

Thursday, February 14, 2013


One of my favorite places in the world is a little place in Spencerport, NY called Splatters Studio.  In this little shop you'll find a wonderful woman named Chris who will show you how to paint pottery!  It's a great place to go to unwind, bring your kids, or make something for your kitchen!  And, unlike those art teachers in Elementary school, Chris will let you stay as long as you want and do whatever you want to your piece.  If you're ever in the area, you must go in and visit her!  And tell her that Elizabeth sent you!

I recently made this canister, and I just wanted to brag about it a little!  I'm quite proud, mostly because it took me a long time to finish.

I have a quilting theme in my new kitchen.  Not sure how long it will take to finish the theme, but I'm excited about it!!  Lots of purple, which is perfect because it's my favorite color.

I made up the designs on each square.  Chris was a huge help!!  I'm telling you, she's awesome!

So proud of my work!
Did you go to Splatters?  Send me a picture of what you made!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine's Day - - Be Thankful

I was browsing on Facebook when I came across a friend's status update that was so uplifting I just had to share it with you!
My husband doesn't usually surprise me with flowers or candy. He doesn't whisk me off on romantic getaways or escort me around to the finest restaurants. I don't have an expensive engagement ring and I won't find any little boxes on Valentine's Day. What my husband does do outweighs anything he doesn't. He wakes up everyday, prepared to be the leader of our home. He loves me unconditionally and will put our family's needs in front of his wants. I rest assured that I can depend on him in any situation and we will come out stronger than before. If Valentine's Day is meant to celebrate anything, I will be celebrating the love of a godly man ♥

This Valentine's Day, don't focus on what your husband doesn't do for you.  Don't think about the candy you were hoping for, the flowers he hasn't bought you, or the getaway you had been planning in your daydreams.  Remember why you married your man, and thank him as well as God for the blessings he brings to you and to your family.

52 Reasons I am Thankful for my Husband
  • He provides for our family - - no matter how difficult
  • He makes sure that I am relaxed and have time for myself
  • He prays with me
  • He happily plays with our son
  • He always goes to work
  • He is an excellent employee
  • He holds me at night
  • He tells me that he loves me
  • He brings me home little treats once in a while
  • He comes home from a 12 hour shift and does housework
  • He cares a great deal about the wellbeing of our son
  • He loves our son
  • He stands up for our family
  • He encourages me
  • He puts the Love Bug to bed each night
  • He doesn't whine
  • He is quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry
  • He has a great conscience
  • He is tidy (for the most part!)
  • He values our relationship enough to stay up all night to work out an argument
  • He is my best friend
  • He supports me in my decisions
  • He tells me what he honestly thinks, and does so kindly
  • He compliments me
  • He loves me unconditionally
  • He loves the Lord
  • He is musical
  • He is inventive
  • He can fix anything... sometimes just by touching it!
  • He doesn't swear
  • He speaks well of people
  • He controls his anger
  • He asks me my opinion
  • He was so patient with me when I was pregnant and hormonal
  • He will never leave me
  • He'll buy me feminine products
  • He's hot
  • He has a unique smile
  • He only has eyes for me
  • He loves making me smile
  • He loves making our son laugh
  • He saved himself for me
  • He reminds me to take Midol when I'm cramping
  • He is humble
  • He's creative
  • He helps me feel safe
  • He protects our family
  • He turns the lights off and locks the doors at night
  • He takes his time making big decisions
  • He is very generous
  • He keeps his word
  • He supports me in my goals
Go text your hubby and tell him one thing you're thankful for about him!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

15 Ways to Save Your Marriage

If you want to save your marriage, Jesus is the only way!  Soak up all the good Words of God that you can, and work hard to apply them to your marriage.

Commit to the LORD whatever you do,  and he will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3

Don't dwell on what he's doing or not doing, focus on what you can do better.  Here are some starting points:
  1. Communicate Better is open rebuke than hidden love.  Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses. Proverbs 27:5-6
  2. Have sex - often May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth.  A loving doe, a graceful deer-- may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be captivated by her love. Proverbs 5:18-19
  3. Speak well of your husband behind his back A wife of noble character is her husband's crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones. Proverbs 12:4
  4. Encourage him As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17
  5. Write notes for him to find throughout the day Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up. Proverbs 12:25
  6. Listen to him To answer before listening - that is folly and shame. Proverbs 18:13
  7. Be prudent with your money, especially if your husband is the only wage-earner Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the LORD. Proverbs 19:14
  8. Remain faithful to your husband A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Proverbs 31:10
  9. Realize that love is a verb - - it's what you do, not what you feel Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs. Proverbs 10:12
  10. Be his best friend A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 17:17
  11. Spend daily time with the Lord Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
  12. Talk together about God The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10
  13. Forgive him A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense. Proverbs 19:11
  14. Live by God's standards Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. Proverbs 3:7
  15. Don't be ashamed to get counseling from a Christian counselor Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice? Proverbs 8:1

Monday, February 11, 2013

Stain Remover

There were a couple stains (one really bad one) on the carpet in the bedroom of our old apartment.  The landlord said he wanted to replace the carpet because of them, and we'd have to pay for it.  Well, I we sure that with my super awesome pinning skills, I would be able to find a way to get those stains out!
...I tried.  The big stain was too much for me.  I faded it a LOT, (and, in the process, fluffed the carpet), so we'll see what he says.  BUT the stain remover idea I used worked very well on the other stains.

Step One - - Mix Solution
1 part Dawn Dish Soap
2 parts Hydrogen Peroxide
I just mixed the two in a plastic cup and stirred it with a knife.  Also, I totally guesstimated about the quantities.
Step Two - - Pour or spray on stain
I just poured the solution right on the stains.  Then I worked it in a little bit with the knife.  It was very sudsy.

Step 3 - - Rub into stain
I took a rag and worked the stuff right into the carpet.  It's best to work at it from different angles so that you get the solution on all parts of the stain.

Step 4 - - Soak up with a dry rag, then vacuum
Do that and hopefully the stain will be gone!  Like I said, it only faded the really bad stain (sorry, I forgot to take a picture).  I heard that red doesn't come out of carpets - - and my stain was orange.  Better luck to you!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

10 Reasons I'm Grateful for our Struggles

We just moved out of our teeny-tiny one-bedroom apartment into a three-bedroom townhouse.  Can I just say "aaaahhhhh."  Space to breathe!!

As happy as I am here, and as pleased as I am that we are out of that season of our lives - - I am also so grateful for the time we spent in that apartment.  Here's why...
10.  It taught me to be creative in how I keep house
9.  What a blessing it was to be in an apartment that we could afford!!
8.  We got to live close to family for a season
7.  Our landlord restored our faith in all landlords (and it was so nice to have a Christian landlord!)
6.  So many memories were made in that home <3 
5.  Living in the apartment helped us realize the importance of getting out for a date night.
4.  We met people who truly blessed us
3.  The tiny apartment helped us to realize how blessed we were to even have a place to live!
2.  Living in a small space brought us closer as a family.
1.  The experience helped us to look forward to and enjoy the blessings of our new home in ways that nothing else could!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Our New Place

We moved!!!!

I am so excited to announce that we have officially moved into a three-bedroom townhouse!  We have so much more room to breathe now that the Love Bug has his own room, and we can actually use our dining room table.

Here are the promised pictures of our new place... still unpacking and decorating, but nevertheless here they are!

Utility Room
Guess what!  Hubby's tools aren't in the bedroom any more!  Woot Woot!!

I had this idea to go with a quilting theme in the kitchen... it's still coming along, but I think I'm going to like it!
Our storage area is a lot smaller than our old one, but we certainly don't need as much storage as we did there!  It's pretty cool... you go through the hall closet to the space under the stairs to access your storage.
Dining Room
That's right - - we have a dining room!!  We'll be getting a stand for the fish tank (and a new fish tank - - it cracked a little in the move) so that we can use the record player.
Living Room
The rug is new!
It's so strange having stairs in our new place... especially with a 1-year-old.  Remembering to set up the baby gate has been new.  We're going to put up more family pictures.
We are still working out what will be in the office.  Eventually we want to have a pull-out couch so that guests can stay over (it'll double as a guest room).
Ahhhh... Love Bug has a bedroom to himself!  It's been wonderful.
The toilet paper is accessible from the toilet seat!!  (In our old apartment, the toilet paper was far away from the toilet...)
Master Bedroom
It's so big!!!!  And our closet is huge, too!
Praise the Lord for this new season of our lives!!