Thursday, January 31, 2013

Seeing God in the Details

I saw a pin on Pinterest yesterday - - it was a sign with this quote:
God doesn't give us what we can handle, God helps us handle what we're given.
 I didn't realize how much I needed those words of encouragement until this morning.

We are in the middle of a move (we are making our long-awaited move to Batavia, NY on Saturday!) and because hubby works crazy hours, I am in charge of packing up the apartment!  What a task this is for a little stay-at-home mama of a 1-year-old!

We are also looking for someone to take our beloved cat, since we are moving to an apartment that doesn't allow cats.  This has been emotionally trying on my as it is (she's like a part of our family), but we have had two people back out of taking her at the last minute.  We're on to the third person, and hopefully it works out this time!

So many little trials have come up that we weren't anticipating.

  • Keeley (our cat) still doesn't have a permanent home - - two days before our move
  • We have drained all of our checking and savings accounts (and in the middle of taking Dave Ramsey's class - great!)
  • We are rapidly running out of boxes to pack into (and of course have no money to buy new ones - - or a desire to pay for boxes)
  • No more quarters for laundry, before moving into an apartment without a washer
  • No money for a U-Haul

As I have been feeling the weight of every little thing during this process, I have had wonderful friends tell me more than once that God is in the details.  How true this is!  Even when things don't seem to be going the right way, isn't it encouraging to know that God is here with me - - experiencing everything as I experience it - - and being His all-powerful, all-knowing self.  He has the best interest of my family at heart, and I can rest in the fact that He is here with me... even in the details.

A midst the tiny trials, though, there have been so many little blessings:

  • Boxes provided by family and friends who just had them in their garages or at work
  • Quarters from a loving mama
  • Company coming tonight to provide encouragement
  • A wonderful sister-in-law who babysat our little man so we could go to class last night together
  • Hubby is no longer working Saturdays, starting this week!!!!
  • Wonderful friends who have encouraged me through Facebook
  • A great support system at our church who will be helping us move on Saturday
  • My lovely best friend who will be spending the entire day Saturday and the afternoon Sunday helping me and encouraging me
  • Great babysitters to watch the little man on moving day
  • No money for a U-Haul = the need for more trust in God
  • No boxes to pack into = stretching of my creativity!
Isn't it great when the blessings outweigh the trials??  Praise the Lord for the trials, because the develop perseverance and faith in Him!

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.  If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
~ James 1:2-5
[emphasis mine]

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Packing Tips

My family is moving!!  We are so excited to be out of a one-bedroom apartment (with 3 people) and into a 3-bedroom!  Crazy thing is that we'll be paying less at our new place.  What a God thing.

I have to say that living in a one bedroom with three people has been a huge blessing to us in many ways.  For one thing, we were blessed to find a place that we could afford that was close to hubby's work.  We were also so very very blessed by our landlord.  Let me tell you, he has been so good to us!  What a wonderful thing to have a Christian landlord!!  But I think the best way that this place has been a blessing to us is that it has humbled us in ways we never thought possible.  We are more stingy with our money that we ever would have been if we had decided that we simply couldn't live in a one bedroom with a baby!  Let me tell you, with God all things are possible!!  We are also feeling less like we need things than ever before.  Rather than moving into this bigger apartment because we need to, we are more able to recognize that it is because we want the space.  It is a huge accomplishment for us to consider the difference between a want and a need.

Anyway, here are the packing tips that I have come up with while packing the odds and ends that have accumulated around the house.  Most of these are ways that I am trying to save mula in the midst of a move.  Let me know if you have any other ideas!!

Pack dishes in a plastic bin with blankets
I'm using blankets, hoodies, fabric napkins, and anything else that I will have to pack anyways instead of bubble wrap... it will serve the same purpose without us having to buy plastic that we will just throw away after the move.

The other thing about packing dishes that makes me nervous is putting them in a cardboard box.  It always makes me think that they will all fall out of the bottom of the box.  I'm using a plastic bin that I had in storage instead of a cardboard box.  It just gives me some peace of mind.

Garbage Bags are your Friend
Donate or throw away anything that you won't have a place for when you move.  I always hate having that one box of junk toward the end that really didn't fit into any other category, so you stuck all the odds and ends in it.  I decided with this move I didn't want any boxes that I was dreading going through, so I'm not putting anything in a box unless I have a place in mind for it.

Make sure you donate as much as you can, rather than throwing things away.  Try not to be wasteful, but if you don't have a place for it, you don't need it.

Masking Tape: Label your boxes with the room they're going to
When all your friends come over to pack up the U-Haul, it's going to be chaotic... no matter how much planning and packing you have already done.  If you're like me, you don't like chaos and will want to hit the pause button while you tidy around people and send them to the right place with each and every box.  Realize that you can't do that... and plan ahead.  Simple use of masking tape and a sharpie will get your boxes into the right rooms.  (Don't just write what's in the boxes, write which room they go to for your movers.)

Dust off that Crockpot
I'm packing up all our dishes so that we don't have to worry about washing dishes and pots and pans in the midst of packing.  My plan is to make a crockpot dinner each night and use paper plates, silverware, and napkins for the next 5 days before the move.

If you don't want to use paper and plastic products, pack up all but some of your dishes ahead of time and make sure everyone washes their own dishes each night.  This will take the pressure off you while your head is, well, everywhere else.

If you would like to see more of my tips for moving, click here!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Birthday Boy

Today is my little Love Bug's first birthday!  I can't believe it's been a year since I had him - - he was such a tiny little thing. 
I remember when they placed him on my chest and I got to see him for the first time, he lifted his head right up and looked me in the eyes.  Hubby kissed me, looked at the Love Bug, and said, "Get used to it!"  Ever since, every time we kiss in front of him, he laughs and laughs!

Ahhh, I love looking back on my Love Bug's life... but even more than that, I love seeing where he is today!  I wanted to capture today with his footprints or handprints - - but I wasn't sure how to do it without being too girly.

I was poking around Pinterest for some inspiration, and found a baseball with a hand print on it.  How cute?!  I just need to buy a baseball and we'll stamp his little hand on there with the date... we're in the middle of a move right now, so it might be a little after his birthday... just don't tell anyone, okay?  ;)

How did you celebrate your little one's first birthday?  We will have a birthday party for him after the move, and I'd love to hear your cost-cutting ideas!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Purchases List

We are still waiting for our application to be processed for the apartment complex.  Until then, I'm here dreaming about our new place - and everything I want to do!

There are so many new things that I will want in this new place.  Because there are several expensive things, and because our budget doesn't allow for big purchases on a whim, I decided to make a nice list and prioritize the purchases that I need/want.  That way, I can start saving now for the first thing that I want.  When I've saved enough, I'll go out and buy it - - then start saving for #2.

I gave some thought to my list and my priorities, but I know that moving can and will always add more things to that list that I never would have thought of, so I left some spaces to the side of each purchase for my to write in other things (they'll just be 1A, 1 B, etc.).  I can still prioritize the things that I want to add to the list without rewriting the whole thing.

I think this will be a great way for my family to get into the habit of saving for purchases, and it will be helpful to have a "reward" after saving for a while of actually being able to buy that thing that we've been looking forward to getting!  We'll be focused on the item that we are saving for, and we'll know that the other things can wait.

If you want to use this method along with me, here is the document I created.  Leave me a comment about how it's working for you!  I'd love to hear your feedback!


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Homemade Cleaners: Recipes

Today my project is one that I have been wanting to do for a very long time. Finally I found the recipes I wanted to use and bought the things I needed. Can I just say that I love these cleaners?! They are fantastic - - and, like the author of the recipes, I can't believe how much water is in each of them!  Why have I been paying so much all these years for bottles of water??  The window cleaner

I got the recipes for these cleaners from a lovely blog to which I was directed from Pinterest called Little Miss Robinson. Here is her post about the cleaners, and I'll share my experience below.

All you need to make every single one of these cleaners is the following:
  • White Vinegar (total 15oz.)
  • Dish Soap (total 12oz.)
  • Laundry Detergent (Total approximately 2Tbsp.)
  • White Ammonia (Total 1oz. plus 1 tsp.)
  • Rubbing Alcohol (Total 9oz.)
  • Fabric Softener (Total 1oz.)
  • Baking Soda (Total 2Tbsp.)
  • Bleach (Total 2oz.)
  • Essential Oil of choice (Total several drops)
  • Funnel*
  • Empty Spray Bottles (see my post here for what I did to prepare my bottles)
*I didn't have a funnel, so I used tin foil.  Just be very careful not to mix ammonia with bleach.  Make a new funnel out of foil, or wash your funnel, between each cleaner.

Cleaner #1: Kitchen Cleaner [also known as Blessing in a Bottle]
This stuff is amazing!  It cuts through grease and grime like nothing else.  I love this stuff.

Kitchen Cleaner
12oz. White Vinegar
12oz. Dish Soap
A little Laundry Detergent
The laundry soap in this recipe is just to cover up some of the vinegar smell.  You could probably also use some essential oils if you wanted.
Cleaner #2: Window Cleaner
This window cleaner works better than Windex.  It's wonderful!!
Window Cleaner
1 oz. White Ammonia
4 oz. Rubbing Alcohol
1 drop Laundry Detergent
18oz. Water
Cleaner #3: Air Freshner [Fabreeze]
I really like this one.  You can choose the scent of the fabric softener you use, and your whole house can smell like it!  The only thing about this cleaner is that it separates in the bottle - - so you'll want to shake it up before you use it.  The smell also doesn't seem to last long after it's sprayed... but I don't think Fabreeze actually lasts any longer anyways.
Air Freshner
1oz scented Fabric Softener
2 Tbsp. Baking Soda
23oz. Water
Cleaner #4: Bleach Cleaner
This is a must in any household.
Bleach Cleaner
2oz. Bleach
1 tsp. Laundry Detergent
22oz. Water

Cleaner #5: All-Purpose Cleaner [The "Cure-All"]
Wow.  This one is great!!  Sarah (the original poster of these recipies) says that this is the cleaner she uses most often.  It will be mine, too - - I can't believe what a great cleaner this is!!
All-Purpose Cleaner
5oz. Rubbing Alcohol
3oz. White Vinegar
1tsp. Laundry Detergent
1tsp. White Ammonia
2 drops Essential Oils (I used Lime, and love it!)
15oz. Water
I hope this post helps you make your own home cleaners.  Let me know what you think below!`


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Homemade Cleaners: Bottles

For the longest time I've been wanting to make my own homemade cleaners.  I started by buying a bottle of Lysol concentrated formula and just mixing it with water, but that really wasn't what I wanted.  I liked the idea of having a more organic, and cheaper, way to clean my home.  I finally found recipes that I wanted to try and bought the ingredients.  Today I got the bottles ready... because, for some reason, the look of the bottles was important to me!

Step 1: Buy Bottles

I wanted cute bottles... don't ask my why. :)  So I went to Target and bought 6 of the Method daily shower cleaners, because that was one recipe that wasn't included in the recipe list I was using (I'll share that tomorrow when I make the cleaners).  Plus they were on sale!  It was perfect.  Those bottles are so cute.
When I got home, I emptied 5 of the 6 bottles into a gallon jug (I had to use a second container for the last little bit) and I will refill that cleaner from the jog until it runs out.  When it's empty, I'll try another recipe that I found through Pinterest for daily shower cleaner.

Step 2: Make Goo Gone

The next step was to take those lables off of the bottles.  I had this recipe for homemade Goo Gone from the blog No. 2 Pencil for a while, and I figured this was the perfect time to try it!  All it takes is 1 part vegetable oil and 2 parts baking soda.  The oil breaks down the labels, and the abbrasiveness of the baking soda (plus its texture) scrapes them off.  It worked like a charm!

I added a tiny bit of essential oil (Lime) to it because I just love the smell of Goo Gone!

Step 3: Scrape off Labels

I lathered that Goo Gone onto the bottles and wiped off the lables.  I noticed that rubbing from side-to-side on the bottles, rather than up-and-down worked wonders.  I also noticed that the faster you peel off the lables, the less gunk there will be to scrape off.

The Method bottles were nice because they only had lables on three sides, and they were pretty easy to peel off!  They just left sticky gunk if you peeled them slowly.

I used a table knife to scrape with, but you could also just use a paper towel or your fingers.  I also put the bottles on an old cookie sheet to protect my table.

So, there you have it!  My bottles are ready for their cleaners to be added!  I'll do that tomorrow, since nap time is over.  Get your bottles ready and join me tomorrow in making some awesome cleaners!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Christian Inspiration for when you're Worn Out

One of my goals in writing this blog is to help my readers see that they have riches in Christ - - even when life is difficult.  My hubby and I have gone through our share of struggles, and we have certainly felt worn out.

If you are feeling worn out, come back to this post and click on one of the links to help yourself find strength in Christ.  I'll come back and update this list, too.

Bible Verses
You Say / God Says
Bible Verses for Faith in Times of Stress
Encouraging verses
Verses about when you're tired
Automatic Newsletters from Bible Gateway

Audio Devotionals
The Story of Jesus
Eternal Words
Witness the Bible Genesis to Jesus
                              Joseph and Judah

Pathway to Purpose for Women by Katie Brazelton
Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge

...Individual Songs
Tenth Avenue North Worn
Superchic[k] We Live
                      Stand in the Rain
                      Beauty from Pain
Jamie Grace Holding On
                     Hold Me
Family Life Network - - You can listen online here
K-Love - - You can listen online here

Movies/TV Shows
Mother Teresa (1986)
It's a Wonderful Life (1946)

Facebook Groups
Rags - and Riches
Girlfriends in God
I Love Being a Mom
Family Life
K-Love Morning Show
The Quiet Place

May the God of Peace richly bless you as you seek Him through your struggles.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

No Time for Devotions?

Boy, do I wish I had more time in the day!  Time to relax, time to sit down and read to my baby, time to do the dishes, time for devotions.

It's easy to feel like we have no time to do the things that are important to us - - especially with all the things around us that can distract.  Facebook, Pinterest, and sometimes even the blogs where we get our inspiration and our encouragement can be that way.  But we (and I'm mostly talking to myself right now) need to remember the importance of connecting with God daily.  This is the only way to truly renew our minds and spirits.

If you've visited my page before, you know how much I like detailed lists!  Here are some ideas I have for making sure that I connect with God on a daily basis:
  1. Same time every day - - It becomes a routine, and a habit, when I connect with the Lord at the same time every day.  Plus, as my son grows older, he'll come to expect mom to be unavailable at a certain time each day, helping me to really get the time that I need.
  2. Give the baby a distraction - - Whether it's a toy that only comes out once in a while, a TV show, or simply nap time, if the baby is distracted I know I can get some personal time.  And what better way to spend personal time than with the Lord?
  3. Go through a devotional book - - Devo books can be hard to find, especially when you're looking for one that will really speak to you on a personal level.  You want one that will call you back to it, not one that makes you feel like reading it is a chore.  I just ordered Pathway to Purpose for Women and the journal that accompanies it, and it came in the mail the other day.  I'll start it today - I have very high hopes!
  4. Have a routine for my time with the Lord - - Routines always help me... especially when I'm just starting an activity and I want to get the most out of it.  When I meet with the Lord, I want to (at least at first) know what I'm doing.  For instance, I might start by praying a prayer of thanksgiving and adoration.  Then I might read from a devotional, and then read the scripture verses directly out of my Bible so I can make notes.  I might journal about those verses, then end with a prayer of confession, thanksgiving, and supplication (ACTS - Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication - - helps us know how to pray - - and in what order).
Now go spend some time with Jesus!  You'll be glad you did!


Have another idea for me?  Leave a comment!

Monday, January 7, 2013

It's About to Go Bad!

What should I do??  My food is about to go bad, and I don't want to waste it!

Well, here's what I've come up with... this is a constantly revised post (meaning I'm planning to come back and update every time I think of something else to add), so come on back to see what else you can use even if it's about to go bad in your fridge!


If you have any other ideas for me, feel free to comment!  If there aren't links, it's just because I haven't gotten to it yet, but I have ideas so check back soon!


Sunday, January 6, 2013


I have recently learned how to use coupons, and it is saving me a lot of money!  One of the hardest parts of starting, though, was finding great couponing sites.  The other piece of couponing that I've learned is it is most beneficial when you use a coupon on top of an in-store sale.

Here are the sites that I use:

Couponing "Lingo" - - I have this in my favorites so I can return to it whenever I want.
Database - - From Family Friendly Frugality, this page has a database of coupons.
Coupons - - This is from - just click on the coupon, print it, and bring it to the store!
Coupon Mom - - This woman has another database of links to where you can print coupons for free.

Do you have any tips for me, as a first-time couponer?  Leave them in a comment below!


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Trusting Him

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
~ James 1:2-6 [emphasis mine]

There have been a lot of questions recently regarding what people learned in 2012.  Well, I have something I learned over the course of 2011-2012.  I just really hope I'm done learning it!

God has given me the opportunity over the course of the past two years to learn how to really trust in Him.  Early in 2011 my husband and I found out we were pregnant.  We had recently talked about having a baby, but, like most first-time parents, had no idea what that would truly entail.  When I found out I was pregnant, my husband and I were terrified.  Lesson #1: Rely on God for peace.  I can't say I learned this lesson overnight.  It took a long time.  Longer than I'm willing to admit.  Something I learned about surrenduring to God, though, is that it has nothing to do with being comfortable.  It has nothing to do with feeling good.  It has to do with feeling the fear and knowing exactly what to do with it: giving it over to God.  And every time that fear crawls back, you turn to God.

When I had my first OBGYN appointment, I really had to trust in God.  If you didn't already know this about me, I hate the doctor - - and avoid going like the plague.  Well, that became difficult to do once I became pregnant.  Lesson #2: Rely on God for guidance.  I walked into that office, my hands shaking with fear.  The same fear that I had to surrender to God, I found myself relearning my first lesson while I followed where He led me - to the greatest OBGYN I could have asked for.

There was a lot of re-learning those first two lessons throughout my pregnancy.  When I went into labor, though, I had to learn a new aspect of trusting in God.  Lesson #3: Rely on God for strength.  Labor began at midnight on January 21, 2012.  I had no idea what a long day that would be.  I'll tell you my labor story in another post.  Bottom line: I was tired.  I don't do well on less than 9 hours of sleep, let alone when I'm trying to push a person through my body.  Exhaustion swept over me multiple times that day, but the Lord gave me the strength to perservere through it all.  Almost 22 hours later, my little man was born.  He is the greatest gift God could have given me in return for learning my lessons.

But the teaching wasn't nearly over.  Throughout 2012 I was tested in many ways as a new mother.  As I embarked on this new journey of motherhood I continued to learn these same lessons over and over again.  Endless trips to the pediatrician tested how well I had learned my lesson of relying on God for peace.  How I was to make decisions as a new mother tested how- well I had learned my lesson of relying on God for guidance.  And late-night feedings tested how well I learned my lesson of relying on God for strength.

If I learned one lesson in 2012, it was this: Rely on God for everything.  Still learning with each new day what this truly means, and hoping that the next lesson will be easier!


Friday, January 4, 2013

You Are Beautiful #3: Make a Change

Boy, this has been a great series!  We're on to my third post of this series on a woman's natural beauty.  If you have missed the last two, I suggest you start with the first and second posts before reading this one.

It's so easy for us as women to feel unbeautiful.  We've talked about how our mindsets are affected when we surround ourselves with the media rather than God's Truth.  But sometimes even when our hearts and minds are in the right place we still feel unattractive.  What can we do about that?

You Are Beautiful #3: Make a Change
We need to realize how our bodies and faces are beautiful.  Take a good look in the mirror and point out the aspects that make you beautiful.  Even better, have your husband or a good friend do this for you.  Have them be specific.  Write down what they say.

Something amazing happens when we write things down.  Yesterday we wrote down verses that would remind us of our beauty.  The act of writing down encouraging words helps that encouragement to stick in your mind.  Once it is in your mind, it will eventually collide with your heart.

The other thing that writing down positive and encouraging messages to yourself does is it gives you something to look back on when you're feeling down.  Keep the paper on which you're writing these things down and look back on it often.

When you're done with this exercise, pick out three things from your list that you feel good about naturally.  Put stars by those.

Pick out three things from your list that you find it hard to believe is beautiful about you.  Underline these.

Take those underlined things and we're going to work on them.  No, this doesn't mean that we're going to "fix" what you think is wrong with yourself - - because it is obviously something that is beautiful about you.  The people in your life (especially a family member) won't lie to you about what makes you beautiful to them.  You know how it's easiest to be mean to the person you're closest to?  Well, if you had a sister or your hubby make this list for you, you can bank on the fact that they didn't lie.  They'll be more honest than a girlfriend or most strangers off the street, who might try flattering you just to be nice or avoid conflict.

Take a look at the list I've compiled below and follow the appropriate links, based on what you want to feel better about.  You'll be making a change in how you show off that part of your body so that you feel better about it.

Hair - - Go get your hair done professionally.  Get a new style or color, or just learn how to style your hair differently!  There are lots of YouTube videos that can help you - - type in "how to style ___ (short/long/medium) hair"
Complexion - - Visit the link to find out what colors you should wear to best compliment your complexion.
Nose - - I strongly encourage you to learn to accept your nose as it is.  If it bothers you very much, find ways to accent your other features (like your eyes or cheekbones).  God made you beautiful - - and He made your nose to perfectly accent your face.  If you feel like it is too big or small or curvy, you are not doing a good job accenting your other features.
Eyes - - The link here will show you a way to moisturize your lashes - which will help them to not fall out and possibly even be fuller!  Eyelashes were made not only to keep things out of our eyes, but to accentuate the natural beauty of your eyes.
Neck - - If you're like me, you have some flab under your chin.  Ugh!  Don't you hate it?  The way I deal with it is to keep my heal up high.  When I look down, I try to keep my chin away from my neck.  But every once in a while, to make sure I'm not getting too vain, I do pull my chin close to my neck and embrace the skin I'm in... even if it is stretchier than I'd prefer.
Breasts - - If you're married, I hope your husband has told you how much he loves your breasts.  If he hasn't, ask him!  I can't tell you what a difference it makes when you ask your hubby something rather than assuming you know what he thinks!  The other day I laid down on the bed and asked my hubby, "Which is sexier?" and I kept giving him choices of how I could pose for him.  Can I just tell you that I got a huge ego boost.  Asking the hubby specific questions gave him the opportunity to tell me exactly what he likes.  Whether you're married or not, though, the best way to feel good about your bust is to wear the right bra.  If you go to a department store you can get measured, or if you're more comfortable you can measure yourself.  Buying the right bra will help you feel good about how you look.
Hips - - If you feel like your hips are too big, the key is to not draw attention to them.  You can learn a lot about how to dress appropriately based on your body type using this book.  Until you get that book, when you choose your clothes, try to find shirts that go below your pants line.  Don't wear skinny jeans.  Use belts to keep those pants up!
Butt - - That book will also help you if you have problems with your butt.  Here's my suggestion for you if you think your butt is too big or too skinny or too bony or whatever... wear sexy panties!  As long as they are the right size, you'll feel better about yourself!
Belly - - Okay, can I just say that the book Good Girls Don't Have to Dress Bad is an awesome book??  Read it!!  But until then, let yourself feel like your belly is sexy.  Often our husbands think that our bellies are sexy simply because they are imperfect.  Our imperfections do two things: 1) They make us unique.  2) They show our hubbies that they don't have to be perfect, which makes them feel sexier.  Try this product for when you're going out, and remember that you're sexier without it.
Thighs - - Yup, that book is for your thighs too!  Dressing to fit your body type makes a world of difference.  Here's your first job, though - get rid of all your skinny jeans and get some tailored jeans.
Calves - -
Feet - - If you feel like your feet are too big, find shoes that are more delicate and dainty.  Wear flare jeans.  If you feel like your feet are too small, wear jeggings and flats or normal jeans and some clunkier shoes.  If you have trouble with foot odor, there are products that can help you with that!
Hands - - Wear rings!  Do your nails!
Arms - - Choose arm lengths that are flattering on you and that you feel comfortable with.
Height - - That book I keep talking about will address height and how to dress and accesorize properly based on your height.  Bottom line, if you're tall, use big accessories and if you're short use smaller accessories.  If you are short, you can always wear heels, but I would encourage you to embrace your height.  If you're tall, embrace it and enjoy all the things you can do that short women can't!
Teeth - - I have always thought that unique smiles are the prettiest.  When I was in high school I got braces, and I hated them with every fiber of my being.  I felt like they drew attention to my already ugly smile.  I was so excited to get them off, and I wore my retainer for a while.  But then I got married and I didn't want to wear the retainer at night any more, so I stopped.  My teeth moved a little bit since then.  I have to tell you - - I love my smile now!  All I need is for them to be white and healthy, and I'm happy with the crooked teeth because they make me unique.
Wardrobe - - Choose clothes that fit you well.  Choose clothes that you feel comfortable in.  Choose clothes that you will wear over and over again.  There is no need to have lots of clothes in your wardrobe, you just need layerable clothes.

Once you have finished making changes in the way you see yourself, get some professional photos taken of yourself and your family!  Trust me, when you get the pictures back, you'll be able to see yourself through another pair of eyes.

If you want to take an extreme step in changing the way you see yourself, check out this opportunity put forth by Christian author Shari Braendel.  If Beauty Boot Camp is too expensive for you, check out her book Good Girls Don't Have to Dress Bad.

Like what you read?  Leave me a comment!
See my past posts about this topic here:

Thursday, January 3, 2013

You Are Beautiful #2: Post Verses About Your Beauty Around Your House

This post is the second in the series about the beautiful woman, inspired by the book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldgredge.  If you haven't read the book, do it!  If you haven't read the first post, here it is.

We've been talking about the beauty of a woman.  In my first post I talked about surrounding yourself with the truth (that you are wonderfully made).  This second tip for feeling as beautiful as God sees you could go under that same category; because surrounding yourself with the truth is the best way to remember that you are loved.

Here we go:
You are Beautiful #2: Post Verses About Your Beauty Around Your House
 I can't stress enough the importance of memorizing scripture.  A friend of mine actually just wrote a book on the topic.  It just came out, so here's the link to get more info on where you can get it!  The book is called The Word of God: Unleashing the Power of Scripture Memorization by Michele Miner.
Here's your assignment for today to remind yourself that you are beautiful.  Get out some index cards, or, if you want to make it look cute, some scrapbooking paper.  Use markers or a printer and write out the verses at the bottom of this post.  Once you have them all written out, put them up on the walls of your home - - on your mirrors, doors, cupboards, dresser, closet... anywhere you'll see them throughout the day!  After a while you'll find yourself reciting the verses automatically when you're feeling down on yourself or in need of God's Word.  Trust me - when done right, this can change your view of yourself as a daughter of God.
Here are the wonderful, uplifting verses!  Enjoy, beautiful ladies!
[Verses compiled with help from Focus on the Family and Open Bible]
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17
"And let not your adornment be merely external-- braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. For in this way in former times the holy women also, who hoped in God, used to adorn themselves, being submissive to their own husbands." ~ 1 Peter 3:3-5
"You are altogether beautiful, my darling, And there is no blemish in you." ~ Song of Songs 4:7
"And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good." ~ Genesis 1:31
"Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is much more important, for it promises a reward in both this life and the next." ~ 1 Timothy 4:8
"I  praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." ~ Psalm 139:14
"An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life." ~ Proverbs 31:10
"He has made everything beautiful in its time." ~ Ecclesiastes 3:11
"You have captivated my heart, my sister, my bride; you have captivated my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace." ~ Song of Solomon 4:9
"For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace." ~ Romans 8:6
"Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come." ~ Proverbs 31:25

Like what you read? Leave me a comment!
See my next post about this topic - - soon to come!
You Are Beautiful: #3: Make a Change

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

You Are Beautiful #1: Surround Yourself with the Truth

That's something that we as women don't hear enough.  Or, if we do hear it, we don't believe it.

I have struggled with this problem a moderate amout throughout my life.  Probably about the same as any average woman does.  I have asked the question, "Am I beautiful?"  And the followup that always goes with it, "What can I do to become beautiful?"  Beauty is a hot spot for women.  Why?  Because we were created to be beautiful.  I have recently started reading the book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldgredge.  Oh - my - word... this book is amazing!  I bawled my way through the first chapter, as I realized what a beautiful woman I was (and we all are) created to be.  The authors discuss how we are all made in the image of God (which, if I may say, I always thought was an elementary concept for those of us who were raised in the church - - until I read this book and began to understand the depth of that statement).  God created women because the man didn't completely encompass who God is.  The man shows God's strength and power.  The woman, though, reflects God's relation.  We, as women, are relational beings.  We long for love and for someone to pursue us.  We long to be beautiful.  And that's exactly what we are!  God created us to reflect His beauty.  Whether you are tall, short, skinny, fat, bony, bulky - - God created your body, your face, your voice - - to reflect His beauty.

Here's the problem with beauty: we are told by the world that beauty means something entirely different than it does.  Beauty is actually an aspect of God - - a reflection of God.  Women are a reflection of God's beauty.  Somewhere down the road, the media took over and completely changed the way we view beauty.  Guess what?  They're wrong!  So, here are some ways to feel beautiful.  This is a series of posts about beauty, and how to remember that you are a beautiful woman of God.

Before I start in on tip #1, though, I would like to very, very strongly recomment that you read the book Captivating.  Let me tell you, it will change your life.

Okay, so here it is:
You are Beautiful #1: Surround yourself with the Truth.
This is the number one way to feel beautiful.  The fact of the matter is that you are beautiful as a woman.  It's what God created you to be.  When we surround ourselves with things like the unholy television (shows like Desperate Housewives, Greek, Glee), movies (romantic comedies especially tend to make us feel unloved and unbeautiful), books (romance novels), magazines (the ones like Cosmo, Glamour, InStyle, even Women's Health sometimes), and websites (pornography and even some blogs or YouTube videos) - - we begin to buy in to the idea that the world's ideal woman is the actual ideal woman.  But how do we stop watching television, or reading magazines?  Should we start to live like the Amish and cut ourselves off from our own society?  Certainly not.  Here are some wholesome replacements for those agents of low self-esteem listed above:

...that are almost always good:
The Andy Griffith Show (on Netflix)
The Dick Van Dyke Show (on Netflix)
Best Food Ever (on Netflix)
Mythbusters (on Netflix)
Take Home Chef (on Netflix)
Cake Boss (on Netflix)
America's Funniest Videos (ABC)
Drop Dead Diva (on Netflix and ABC currently)
Extreme Makeover Home Edition (ABC)
Once Upon a Time (on Netflix and ABC currently)
Good Morning America (ABC)
The Amazing Race (CBS)
Undercover Boss (CBS)
American Idol
X Factor
Charles in Charge (NBC)
I Love Lucy
Get Smart
The Colony (on Netflix)
...that you should ALWAYS STAY AWAY FROM if you have self-esteem issues:
The Bachelor
The Bachlorette
Don't Trust the b- in Apartment 23
2 Broke Girls
Days of Our Lives
Big Brother
Jersey Shore

Movies (Note that these movies are not being suggested because they are perfect.  They simply feature women who are confident in who they are not because of how they look, but because they are women created to be beautiful.)
Use this site to help you decide which new movies (newly released and in theaters) are appropriate.  To keep your self-esteem in check, keep an eye on the sexual content portion of the reviews.
Forever Young
White Christmas (on Netflix)
Last Holiday (on Netflix)
The Wedding Planner (on Netflix)
Sleepless in Seattle (on Netflix)
IQ (on Netflix)
My Fair Lady
Paulie (on Netflix)

Use this site to find Christian books that are relevant to you in your journey with Christ! show you that you're beautiful:
Captivating by John and Stasi Eldridge**** This book is life-changing!
Good Girls Don't Have to Dress Bad: A Style Guide for Every Woman by Shari Braendel
Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild by Mary A. Kassain (I haven't read it yet)
Lies Young Women Believe: And the Truth that sets them Free by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Dannah Gresh (I haven't read it yet)
Every Woman's Battle by Shannon Ethridge
Love and Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs by Emmerson Eggriches
Hinds' Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard replace those romantic novels:
Almost anything by Jodi Piccoult
Anything by Francine Rivers - - but here are some specifics:
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
A Lineage of Grace: Five Stories of Unlikely Women who Changed Eternity by Francine Rivers (I haven't read it yet)
The Lineage of Grace Series by Francine Rivers (Recommended to me by a friend - I haven't read them yet)
Just Ella by Margaret Peterson Haddix (and the sequel Palace of Mirrors)
Emma by Jane Austen
Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery (I haven't read, but have watched the movies) read for fun, without risk of upsetting your identity in Christ
Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis
Once Upon a Marigold by Jean Ferris
The Giver by Lois Lowry (I haven't read it yet)
Anything by Mark Twain
The Story of My Life by Helen Keller
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom (I haven't read it yet, but it was recommended to me by a friend)
Facing Your Giants by Max Lucado (and anything else by Max Lucado)
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Magazines [this section written with some help from Christianity]
The Knot (for engaged couples) - Not a Christian mag to my knowledge
The Nest (for married couples) - Not a Christian mag to my knowledge
Today's Christian Woman
Just Between Us
Christianity Today
Relevant Magazine (for 20-something's)
CMM (Christian music magazine)

Christian Websites [a compilation of Christian websites]
The Peaceful Mom
The Dating Divas [ideas for date night!]
The Money Saving Mom [money saving ideas and some Christian inspiration]
Rags and Riches [my blog... of course!]

Go be your beautiful self!  And come back for more tips soon.

Like what you read?  Leave me a comment!

See my next post about this topic - - soon to come!
You Are Beautiful: #2 Post verses about your beauty around your house