Saturday, December 29, 2012

Getting Ready to Move

We are planning on moving within the next month or two (as soon as we can find a bigger apartment and get all the paperwork in order).  I want to be as prepared as possible for the big day, so I'm trying to get the house ready to be picked up and moved at a moment's notice.  Here are some tips and tricks I've discovered in the process.

2-3 Months Before the Move
Rearranging Helps!
I wanted to reduce the clutter in my house... here's the problem: a lot of clutter tends to find its way to hidden spots in the house (you know the drill - - ten minutes 'till company will be here and it's time to shove things under the bed, in closets, tucked into cabinets).  The best way I've found to reduce clutter in my home is to spend an afternoon rearranging.  This especially helps in the bedroom - - when you move the bed you have to take that mattress off the frame and reveal the mountain of stuff you've been looking for or forgot you had.  It's a nice change of pace before you move, too!

When you find things that you want to keep, say, under the bed, put them in storage bins!  Storage bins are my best friend (sorry, Sam!).  They make life so much easier!  If you're really feeling ambitious, go ahead and label them!  Bottom line, even if they aren't categorized bins, it'll be easier come moving day to get them from point A to point B.

Save gift cards
For Christmas we got a lot of gift cards.  We decided to save the ones for stores like Walmart and Target for after we move.  There are so many expenses when you move... and a lot of them come after you get to the new place and realize that the windows are different sizes than your tension rods, the rug you used to use in your kitchen doesn't match the cabinets, or even that your little TV doesn't seem to compliment your now huge living room.  A great way to stay on budget when you move is to keep those gift cards for a special "new apartment" shopping trip!

Get your storage room in order
One place a lot of clutter can hide is in the storage room! Ours is right across the hall from our apartment, so we're always sneaking our clutter in there. Even if you don't have daily access to your storage unit, chances are you haven't seen all four walls of it in a while. You don't need to do spring cleaning in there (unless you're up for it!), but getting everything into bins and ready to just be pulled out will really help!

1 Month Before the Move
Stock up on boxes and bubble wrap
Whenever you get a delivery or see an empty box at a grocery store, keep it! You'll be grateful later when you're not paying tens of dollars. It may not sound like much, but there are so many expenses when you move that you'll drain that checking account fast!

If you have older kids, take them each out for a date
In the craziness of moving, it's easy to forget that your older kids are probably experiencing some very real emotions. Especially if you're moving far enough away to change school districts, you'll want to find something special in your town that they enjoy doing. Take some time with each of them to discuss their emotions and talk to them about all the great parts of moving.

Prepare a Meal
Sometime in the month before you move, you'll want to prepare for your family to eat the night after you move in.  If your family has the resources (or gift cards!!) you can plan to go out for dinner or order in.  If your family is like mine, though, you don't have the extra money lying around for take-out.  Making a freezer meal is super easy if you do it the right way!!  Just make a double recipe of your next dinner and freeze half!  Here are some freezable recipes that my family likes:
1 Week Before the Move
Get the paperwork started early
Sure, I mean the paperwork for the lease and background/credit checks, but I also mean the other paperwork that comes with moving.  You need to change your address on the following:
  • Post Office
  • Bank (including checks)
  • Licenses
  • Postage stickers (if you use them) 
  • Magazine subscriptions
  • Let your family and friends know your new address
Make Lists!
Boy, do I love lists!  They won't help you much if you make them too early, but here are some lists you'll want to have written out before moving day:
  • Things to keep out (Use this list the night before moving day to create a box of things that will stay with you in the car and go into the new place first!  I know I put some obvious things on here like cell phones and wallets, but there will soon be a lot of clutter in your house and you'll want these things in one spot!)
    • Cleaning Supplies, including baking soda
    • Paper Towels
    • Purse/Wallet
    • Book/ipod (if it's a long car ride)
    • Coupon for pizza place (to feed those who help you)
    • Paper plates/cups (to feed those who help you)
    • Baby's diaper bag (if applicable, see next bullet)
    • Hammer and nails
    • Magic Eraser (works miracles!!)
    • Cell Phones
  • Things for baby (if applicable, obviously... you're going to want to have that diaper bag stocked and with you so you know you have everything you need for your little one)
    • Bottle
    • Formula
    • Diapers (# will vary, depending on how old your child is and how far away you're traveling)
    • Diaper cream
    • Toys (quiet ones, and a variety, if you're traveling on a plane)
    • Pacifiers
    • Blankie or stuffed animal
    • Change or two of clothes
  • Things we'll need right away (the things you want to pack, but will need right away when you get to the new place... this is especially true if you have little ones.  A good idea for these things is to put a piece of blue painter's tape on all this stuff, or on the box holding this stuff - - so it's easily identifiable.)
    • Baby gates
    • Laptop
    • Chargers
    • (Continue your list based on the needs of your household)
  • Things to Buy (this list will vary household-to-household.  Try to keep it as short as possible... especially if you're trying to pinch some pennies!)
  • Things to Do (Sometimes a daily checklist helps me to be more productive... especially when I have a big task to tackle.  Break big jobs down into small steps and make a list of these steps to help you stay focused during a long day of packing.)
Pack your wall hangings
Get those things off the walls!  They're easily forgotten until the last minute, but you don't want them just in any old box.  Keep them safe and sound in their own bubble-wrapped box or plastic bin.

Rent a U-Haul
If you need one, you'll want the peace of mind knowing that you definitely have a vehicle to transport your belongings.  From what I can tell, the rates don't change depending on when you schedule your U-haul, but there will be plenty of other last-minute tasks on your mind in a week.  Get this one out of the way!

Two Days Before Moving Day
Start boxing things
Start to put things in boxes that you won't need for the next few days.  Things like extra towels, books, home decor, most clothes, etc.

The Day Before Moving Day
Do laundry
Get all that laundry done before you move!  AND it's something that you can get done while doing other things :)

Do some cleaning... but not too much
You'll have to face the fact that no matter how much you clean the day before you move, your apartment or house will get dirtier tomorrow as people come in and out with their shoes on and corners of the house are uncovered after years of being hidden.  Don't knock yourself out cleaning the day before moving - - it's a waste of time.

The Night Before Moving Day
Spend some time as a family!
Enjoy your last night in the house, knowing that you have everything ready to move tomorrow!  Have a family game night or order pizza and eat it on a picnic blanket in the living room.  Make it a fun "goodbye party" for your house.

Moving Day is Here!!
Have Fun!
If you're anything like me, you get stressed out pretty easily.  Don't let yourself.  This is an exciting time in your life!!  Let it be exciting!  And rest in the fact that you have prepared so diligently.

Congratulations on your move!!

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