Monday, December 31, 2012

Blessings from Blessings?

What did you get for Christmas?

I've been thinking about the few things I received from family and friends: a small journal, several games, restaurant gift cards, candy, and a CD.  (I got more gifts than these, but these are the few that fit in with this post.)

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. ~ Ephesians 2:10

I believe strongly in using what God has blessed me with to bless others.  Christmas gifts fall under this category.  So I've been thinking, how can I use what the Lord has blessed me with to touch others for His kingdom?  Here's what I came up with:

CD - - I got a Toby Mac CD (a Christian artist).  I plan to use this to bless my family by playing Christian music more often, and Netflix less.  This will help us to keep our focus on the Savior all day long, and when we do that, we'll be more of a blessing to others in our everyday lives.

Small Journal - - I. LOVE. JOURNALS!!  That's probably why I get at least one each year for Christmas and my birthday.  The problem is figuring out what I want to use each journal for.  I decided that this one, since it is so small, will be for logging my blog ideas.  So often I think of something I want to write about, then by the time I sit down at the computer I can't remember what it was!  Hopefully when I plan out my posts a little better, this blog will start to be a blessing to people.

Games - - We love board games, and have quite the collection.  When people come over, that's what we do.  We'll share our new games (as well as our old ones) with people and have some fun with them.

Gift Cards - - My husband and I have been trying to get to know people from our church more, so we invited some people out to dinner.  With these gift cards, it allows us to treat - - even when we have no money!  I just love blessing people in this way.

Candy - - Okay, fine... I'll share with my husband ;)

What did you get for Christmas?  How can you use it to be a blessing to someone?

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Getting Ready to Move

We are planning on moving within the next month or two (as soon as we can find a bigger apartment and get all the paperwork in order).  I want to be as prepared as possible for the big day, so I'm trying to get the house ready to be picked up and moved at a moment's notice.  Here are some tips and tricks I've discovered in the process.

2-3 Months Before the Move
Rearranging Helps!
I wanted to reduce the clutter in my house... here's the problem: a lot of clutter tends to find its way to hidden spots in the house (you know the drill - - ten minutes 'till company will be here and it's time to shove things under the bed, in closets, tucked into cabinets).  The best way I've found to reduce clutter in my home is to spend an afternoon rearranging.  This especially helps in the bedroom - - when you move the bed you have to take that mattress off the frame and reveal the mountain of stuff you've been looking for or forgot you had.  It's a nice change of pace before you move, too!

When you find things that you want to keep, say, under the bed, put them in storage bins!  Storage bins are my best friend (sorry, Sam!).  They make life so much easier!  If you're really feeling ambitious, go ahead and label them!  Bottom line, even if they aren't categorized bins, it'll be easier come moving day to get them from point A to point B.

Save gift cards
For Christmas we got a lot of gift cards.  We decided to save the ones for stores like Walmart and Target for after we move.  There are so many expenses when you move... and a lot of them come after you get to the new place and realize that the windows are different sizes than your tension rods, the rug you used to use in your kitchen doesn't match the cabinets, or even that your little TV doesn't seem to compliment your now huge living room.  A great way to stay on budget when you move is to keep those gift cards for a special "new apartment" shopping trip!

Get your storage room in order
One place a lot of clutter can hide is in the storage room! Ours is right across the hall from our apartment, so we're always sneaking our clutter in there. Even if you don't have daily access to your storage unit, chances are you haven't seen all four walls of it in a while. You don't need to do spring cleaning in there (unless you're up for it!), but getting everything into bins and ready to just be pulled out will really help!

1 Month Before the Move
Stock up on boxes and bubble wrap
Whenever you get a delivery or see an empty box at a grocery store, keep it! You'll be grateful later when you're not paying tens of dollars. It may not sound like much, but there are so many expenses when you move that you'll drain that checking account fast!

If you have older kids, take them each out for a date
In the craziness of moving, it's easy to forget that your older kids are probably experiencing some very real emotions. Especially if you're moving far enough away to change school districts, you'll want to find something special in your town that they enjoy doing. Take some time with each of them to discuss their emotions and talk to them about all the great parts of moving.

Prepare a Meal
Sometime in the month before you move, you'll want to prepare for your family to eat the night after you move in.  If your family has the resources (or gift cards!!) you can plan to go out for dinner or order in.  If your family is like mine, though, you don't have the extra money lying around for take-out.  Making a freezer meal is super easy if you do it the right way!!  Just make a double recipe of your next dinner and freeze half!  Here are some freezable recipes that my family likes:
1 Week Before the Move
Get the paperwork started early
Sure, I mean the paperwork for the lease and background/credit checks, but I also mean the other paperwork that comes with moving.  You need to change your address on the following:
  • Post Office
  • Bank (including checks)
  • Licenses
  • Postage stickers (if you use them) 
  • Magazine subscriptions
  • Let your family and friends know your new address
Make Lists!
Boy, do I love lists!  They won't help you much if you make them too early, but here are some lists you'll want to have written out before moving day:
  • Things to keep out (Use this list the night before moving day to create a box of things that will stay with you in the car and go into the new place first!  I know I put some obvious things on here like cell phones and wallets, but there will soon be a lot of clutter in your house and you'll want these things in one spot!)
    • Cleaning Supplies, including baking soda
    • Paper Towels
    • Purse/Wallet
    • Book/ipod (if it's a long car ride)
    • Coupon for pizza place (to feed those who help you)
    • Paper plates/cups (to feed those who help you)
    • Baby's diaper bag (if applicable, see next bullet)
    • Hammer and nails
    • Magic Eraser (works miracles!!)
    • Cell Phones
  • Things for baby (if applicable, obviously... you're going to want to have that diaper bag stocked and with you so you know you have everything you need for your little one)
    • Bottle
    • Formula
    • Diapers (# will vary, depending on how old your child is and how far away you're traveling)
    • Diaper cream
    • Toys (quiet ones, and a variety, if you're traveling on a plane)
    • Pacifiers
    • Blankie or stuffed animal
    • Change or two of clothes
  • Things we'll need right away (the things you want to pack, but will need right away when you get to the new place... this is especially true if you have little ones.  A good idea for these things is to put a piece of blue painter's tape on all this stuff, or on the box holding this stuff - - so it's easily identifiable.)
    • Baby gates
    • Laptop
    • Chargers
    • (Continue your list based on the needs of your household)
  • Things to Buy (this list will vary household-to-household.  Try to keep it as short as possible... especially if you're trying to pinch some pennies!)
  • Things to Do (Sometimes a daily checklist helps me to be more productive... especially when I have a big task to tackle.  Break big jobs down into small steps and make a list of these steps to help you stay focused during a long day of packing.)
Pack your wall hangings
Get those things off the walls!  They're easily forgotten until the last minute, but you don't want them just in any old box.  Keep them safe and sound in their own bubble-wrapped box or plastic bin.

Rent a U-Haul
If you need one, you'll want the peace of mind knowing that you definitely have a vehicle to transport your belongings.  From what I can tell, the rates don't change depending on when you schedule your U-haul, but there will be plenty of other last-minute tasks on your mind in a week.  Get this one out of the way!

Two Days Before Moving Day
Start boxing things
Start to put things in boxes that you won't need for the next few days.  Things like extra towels, books, home decor, most clothes, etc.

The Day Before Moving Day
Do laundry
Get all that laundry done before you move!  AND it's something that you can get done while doing other things :)

Do some cleaning... but not too much
You'll have to face the fact that no matter how much you clean the day before you move, your apartment or house will get dirtier tomorrow as people come in and out with their shoes on and corners of the house are uncovered after years of being hidden.  Don't knock yourself out cleaning the day before moving - - it's a waste of time.

The Night Before Moving Day
Spend some time as a family!
Enjoy your last night in the house, knowing that you have everything ready to move tomorrow!  Have a family game night or order pizza and eat it on a picnic blanket in the living room.  Make it a fun "goodbye party" for your house.

Moving Day is Here!!
Have Fun!
If you're anything like me, you get stressed out pretty easily.  Don't let yourself.  This is an exciting time in your life!!  Let it be exciting!  And rest in the fact that you have prepared so diligently.

Congratulations on your move!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Penny Pinching Christmas Gifts

Each year Christmas seems to sneak up on us... especially when there's no snow!  What's with that??

It can be difficult to get through Christmas when your family is on a very strict budget.  I'll be honest, Christmas has been the time of year when my husband and I have made the worst financial decisions.  There are a few things that I have learned, though.

The number one thing to remember is that Jesus is the reason for the season!  It doesn't matter if you get your kids 7 big presents or 2 little ones, as long as they know why you are celebrating.  Teaching your kids about Jesus is the best thing you can do as a parent.

One think we learned early on in our marriage was to use the envelope system.  Whether your paychecks come every week or twice a month, this is the best way to handle your finances.  When you use cash for everything, you are less likely to spend over budget (because you can't) and you are less likely to spend at all.  One thing that we learned from Dave Ramsey is that if you have bigger bills you won't want to spend it.  For instance, if your budget allows for $20 of spending money, take it out of the bank in a $20 bill rather than two 10's or fourr 5's.  As soon as you break that $20, you won't feel as rich.  It's a lot easier to spend a $5 bill here, and another there.  Because I don't like to re-invent the wheel, here's a site that has printable budget envelopes.  By the way, the Money Saving Mom has a lot of ideas for budgeting at Christmas.  Search on her site for "31 Days of Giving on a Budget"

Taking out cash for your Christmas gifts is going to help you stay on budget when buying Chrsitmas gifts.  If you spend too much on Aunt Kelly, you won't have as much to buy for Cousin Samuel.  Sit down with your hubby and talk about how much you are willing to spend on each person.  The best time to do this is months before Christmas so that you can work it in to your budget and it's not a huge chunk of one or two paychecks in December.  Of course, if you get a Christmas bonus at work that's a great way to be able to give generously.

Another great way to penny pinch around Christmas time is to make homemade gifts.  There are a lot of ideas floating around on Pinterest right now.  But remember, if you have to buy lots of supplies you're not saving money!

Whether you decide to buy or make, you need to make a list.  Deceide how much you are spending on each person, then choose what you're buying ahead of time.  That will help you stay on budget, too.  It will also keep you from buying more gifts than you planned for each person.

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

No Tree Needed!

This year, we don't have a Christmas Tree up.  Although it makes me sad to think of that wonderful thing being in storage for three years, I know that we simply don't have the space for a tree this year.  Last year we were in the same little one-bedroom apartment and decided with a baby on the way we wouldn't have the space that year either.  This year it's more than just space, though... it's about babyproofing!

So what do we do with our Christmas gifts??  We have wide windowsills, so I decorated the one in our living room to be a space for our presents.  Little Man can't reach them, and we have something to remind us that it's Christmas!  I'll have to make a little space for the kitty to look out the window.

I made the banner at a MOPS meeting.  It was really easy!  Maybe sometime I'll walk you through it.  For now, I need to go wrap some more presents!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Cleaning for Company?

You know, I always find myself in a rush trying to get the house clean for company.  I feel like Deborah in Everybody Loves Raymond... you know that episode?  The one where they get into a huge fight about cleaning the house before their friends come over, and then end up going to an unsuccessful counseling session?  Raymond attests that if they clean the house to make it look "different than it does," it's like lying.

"But this is how the house should always look!!" Deborah asserts.  Yes, we wish.

When I was working, I always wished that I could stay at home because the house would be so much cleaner... all the time!  HA!  If only I could go back in time and tell my past self what life is really like staying at home.

Well, today I'm working to make the apartment look like it "always should look" because my mom and sisters are coming over tonight to babysit.  Babysitting means they'll not only be in the living room, but they'll be all over the house - - sitting on the bathroom floor to bathe the Little Man, dishing up their dinner in the kitchen, and in our bedroom to put him down for bedtime.  Yikes!  Boy, does that horrify me right now... better get to it!

"Whatever you do, work at it heartily, as for the Lord and not men..."
~ Colossians 3:23

Carrots About to go Bad?

Here are some ideas for those carrots in your fridge that are about to go bad!

  1. Make soup!  Even if all you have on hand is broth, you can chop up those carrots and boil them in some broth and freeze that for when you want some chicken/turkey/beef soup!  If you don't have broth on hand, just boil them in water and drain, then freeze.
  2. Cut into slices, serve with dinner tonight as a side and send in lunches tomorrow.

3. Carrot Cake!  If you have the other ingredients on hand, go for it!  Just make sure that gets eaten, or freeze part of it so you're not wasting it.  You could also give it away to a neighbor or family member, or to a babysitter as a thank you.
4. Boil them down, grind them up, and freeze them in drops for your baby/toddler/preschooler.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Cheap Babyproofing

I did a quick Google search for cheap/creative babyproofing when my baby started moving around more.  I didn't find as much as I would have liked, so I had to come up with ideas on my own.  I don't like baby gates (I don't like how they look, I mean), so I did as much as I could without them.  Here's what I came up with - let me know if it helps you by commenting!!

This is our living room.  We live in a one-bedroom apartment, so we really had to downsize when we had our little man.  We turned our dining room into a nursery, which connects to the living room.  It was hard at first, but now we've adjusted.

Next to the couch (which he hasn't learned to climb yet, thankfully!) I made a little corner for our cat.  Blocking it with a piece of furniture works well.  I didn't take a picture of what's underneath the printer, but that's where I keep all our "office" supplies.  You'd think the little man would push that printer, but he doesn't.  He likes the buttons, so he'll come over and press them for a bit then he's on to another thing!  And the dishes/vase/photo book on the shelf?  Yeah, he can't reach those... yet.  (But he does try!)

I ran out of the little stoppers for our outlets, so I just used tape.  Ghetto?  Yes.  Effective?  Yes.  Come to think of it, I could probably have used packaging tape and you wouldn't be able to see it.

This is the kitty corner.  Whenever the kitty girl needs to get away from the little man, she can scat right to her little corner.  The shelf blocks Little Man from getting back there at all.

Sorry it's a little blurry - - This is our entertainment center.  I can't wait to get a nice big pretty one, but our budget doesn't allow for it (nor does our space).  This is better for us now, anyways, since Little Man is all over the place!  Now, he can reach up to the buttons on the TV, but he doesn't usually push them hard enough.  The Wii Fit board, a case for our CDs, and Hubby's Perfect Push Up things are out.  The only things he has been able to pull out so far are the Perfect Push Up things.  I don't mind that.

This is what's behind the doors under the TV.  I put the DVD player, the Wii Console, and our controlers/DVDs down there.  I had to downsize our DVD collection, but that's probably best.  There are some in our bedroom in one of my dresser drawers and the rest are in storage.
It's a little annoying to have to open those doors in order to turn any of that stuff on, but it's a lot less annoying than telling Little Man "no" every ten seconds and having him turn off what we're watching.

This is still in the testing stage for us.  Our TV tables serve as our dining room table right now, so we really need them out.  They block Little Man from getting to some cords leading to the TV corner, but they're more unsteady than I'd like.  Little Man has climbed up them once or twice and they wobble, but I don't think they will fall over.  For now, I just watch him very carefully when he's over there.

Sometimes we like to actually eat at a table, so we have a card table that is actually also doubling to help us babyproof!  It blocks some cords.

Our ottoman is blocking cords, too.

It doesn't come up quite enough to block the outlet, but Little Man hasn't discovered that yet.  My plan for if/when he does is to put another blanket inside the ottoman to overflow it and move the top up to block the outlet.

Our rocking chair and high chair have their own spots.  Little Man doesn't crawl under the rocking chair, but he does use it to help him stand.

Okay, on to the nursery.  It's connected to the living room, and that door you see is the front door.  On this shelf Little Man has two bins of toys on the bottom that he usually needs help getting out.  The second shelf has supplies which, while I don't want him to get into, wouldn't hurt him if he did.  He can't pull them down because they are too heavy.  His fingertips can reach up to that third shelf, but everything is pushed back enough for now.  That fish tank provides the weight we need to keep the shelf stable (it's one of those cheap ones with a cardboard backing).

This is Little Man's other shelf.  It houses most of his toys and his books on the first two shelves.  The third shelf only has blankets - not interesting enough for him to get into, but safe if he does.  The top two shelves are for mom and dad.  Usually his hamper is up there on the top shelf, but I'm doing laundry.
On the second shelf down I have a basket of all his medicine (teething tablets, Gas X, Gripe Water, Saline drops, etc.), the paper-paged books that I read to him, and his bibs and mealtime washcloths.
On the top shelf I keep extra diapers, his sweatshirts, and (usually) his luandry basket.

Well, here's an ugly baby gate.  We borrowed this one, so it didn't cost us a cent.  I keep the diaper genie behind it because Little Man likes to use everything to climb - even if it falls over every time he tries.

His dresser doubles as our changing table.  I just keep wipes right there on the table.  His diapers and cream are in the top drawer, and his clothes are in the rest of the dresser.

And another baby gate.  I have considered letting him into the hallway and just blocking him from the kitchen and keeping the bedroom door closed.  For now, though, he has enough room.

Under the crib I have storage bins for all his clothes from different ages.  This keeps Little Man from getting under the crib.

The ExerSaucer (mostly) blocks the heater and an outlet.  He does like to climb underneath, though.

Oh!  And under the dresser I keep his diaper bag and Boppy pillow.  When he was little and starting to crawl, he got tangled up in the starps of the diaper bag - - needless to say, I keep that tucked away now.

Well, that's our apartment, all babyproofed!  Little Man rarely goes into the bedroom, and when he does he's watched very carefully.  And obviously he never, ever goes in the kitchen.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Keeping Christ the Center

As a Children's Pastor, I'm all about keeping Christ the center of the Christmas season.  Some may think I go to an extreme with it - - I don't let Santa in the house - - but it works for us.

My family is new.  It's actually our first Christmas with a child this year!  So we're still feeling out our traditions and seeing what works for us.  I imagine that any traditions we start may change as our little boy grows up, but for now we're just getting started.

I read a fantastic post by the Money Saving Mom at her blog this morning (it's an old post, I think) that gave me some great ideas.  I love her idea about giving a gift to her kids the day after Thanksgiving that will help them keep Jesus the reason for the season.  This will be great when my little one is older.  Her Christmas breakfast idea is fantastic, too!  Instead of taking the time to bake a birthday cake for Jesus, she throws a candle in their Christmas breakfast and they use that to sing happy birthday!  Genius!

Here's what we do now, and as the baby gets older we'll implement more of the kinds of things that Desiré does.

December 1: Advent begins.  We're still working out what we are doing for our Advent calendar.  I'm really hoping that next year we'll have it down!

December 24: Christmas Eve Service.  Our church offers a family service and a later service on Christmas Eve.  Circumstances nwo dictate that we attend the family service.  They do a children's message, too!

December 25: We read the Christmas story (perhaps we'll start reading it from a picture bible for baby's sake) and open gifts at home.  Then we head over to grandma and grandpa's farm to spend time with my family.

Sometime after Christmas: This year is the first that we have been a long distance from Phil's parents.  We will be having our Chritsmas celebration with them when they come up on the 29th this year (we're so excited!!).  I'm guessing this will turn into a tradition, but we'll see!

Keeping Christ the center of Christmas is very important to me.  I'm so excited for when my baby is a little older and we can start some traditions just for him!  For now, I still believe it's important to instill this message in him.  We put the Little People Nativity Set on his Christmas wishlist (that's what extended family buys from) so we can have a nativity set that he can interact with.  We play Christmas music other than Frosty the Snowman and Jingle Bells - - songs that actually celebrate the birth of Christ.  We'll attend the family service this year, and even though he'll likely be in the nursery, we will be starting that tradition of attending church on Christmas Eve.

What do you do to keep Jesus the center of your Christmas celebration?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Christ-Centered Christmas Picture Books

...that I want to read!  No, I haven't read these books yet - - but according to their reviews, they keep Jesus the focus.  And that's what it's all about, isn't it??

Humphrey's First Christmas depicts the story of the three wise men from the camel's perspective.
Advent Storybook tells of a bear's journey to meet baby Jesus.
The Animals' Christmas Eve is a rhyming and counting book that tells of the animals' meeting Jesus.
The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey has gorgeous illustrations!!  I grew up reading this book and highly recommend it.  A wood carver is taught the meaning of Christmas by a little boy.
The Legend of the Candy Cane I'm not positive about this one... but it looks like it might tell about the shepherds?
Christmas Day in the Morning A boy searches for a Christmas gift for his dad.  Doesn't include Santa, as far as I can tell.
Legend of the Christmas Stocking - - I'm really not sure about this one.  If you've read it, let me know if they're right about the meaning of Christmas.  The description on Amazon talks about God's love, but doesn't explicitly say that Jesus is the reason for the season.
The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree "true sentiment rather than sentimentality" does this mean Christ?  Not sure.
Room for a Little One: A Christmas Tale looks like it's another rhyming one about the animals.
The Legend of the Christmas Tree tells about why we put up Christmas trees, and the description says it helps us tell others about God.
The Christmas Baby celebrates the birth of Jesus.
God Gave us Christmas a young polar bear asks questions about why we celebrate Christmas - and gets the right answers!
Mortimer's Christmas Manger doesn't have a description on Amazon, but manger is in the title so I can only assume it talks about Jesus?
The Crippled Lamb written by Christian author Max Lucado.
The Gift of the Magi a couple realizes that they have everything the need.
The Christmas Train: A True Story tells of a child who shares on Christmas
Wenceslas is about the good saint.

Please add to or subtract from this list if you've read any good ones!!  If there are any that you've read that don't fit into this list, please oh please let me know.  Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Envelope System

Our family's budget is based on the envelope system.  This means that we pay cash for everything, from groceries to date nights.  At the beginning of each month we take out a certain amount of money for our envelopes.

My hubby gets two paychecks a month.  The first paycheck basically covers our envelopes, and his second paycheck covers our rent.  The envelope system can also work on a week-to-week basis, if that's the situation you're in.  You could even make an envelope for rent/mortgage if it suits you.

Proverbs 27:23Know well the face of your flocks; and pay attention to your herds.

Davey Ramsey suggests this percentage of income for households that make at least $3,000 a month: 10% to a charity, 10% to savings, 25% for housing, 5% for utilities, 10% for transportation, and 7% for medical expenses.  This will leave 33%.  Because this breakdown does not cover our monthly expenses (the ones that I can't control as much - - like rent and utilities), I have settled on this breakdown of our spending: 10% to a charity (tithe), 47% to housing, 2% to utilities (we are very blessed to be on a town electric company), 16% to transportation, and 25% to groceries.  This leaves no money left over, meaning that we have to stick to our envelope system.

We don't have any money in the budget right now for medical expenses (outside of insurance, which is taken out of each paycheck automatically), date nights, babysitters, or spending money.

1 Corinthians 16:2On the first day of every week each one of you is to put aside and save, as he may prosper, so that no collections be made when I come.

If you can, save save save!!!  The general rule of thumb is to first tithe 10% and second save 10% as soon as you get a paycheck.  I so wish that we followed this rule and saved money each month.  It's something that we're working on.  Unfortunately, I can't figure out a way for us to save.  We have the lowest rent we can possibly find (we live in a one-bedroom apartment with our little one), lowest electric possible, and we use the car as little as possible.  Our student loans are in deferment for economic hardship (if you have student loans and aren't making enough money, call and ask about an economic hardship deferment to get you through until you're making more money).

So, here are the quick and easy steps to utilizing the envelope system:
  1. When you receive each paycheck, take out the cash.
  2. Split up your money into labeled envelopes.
  3. Use the cash in each envelope for its specified disbursement.
  4. When you run out of money in an envelope, you have no more money for that expenditure.
Happy enveloping!!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!

What do you do when you need more money in your budget?  Look for a job!

My husband works full-time and earns enough money for our family that we aren't eligible for SNAP (Food Stamps).  Actually, we aren't eligible because he makes $300 too much a year.  A year!  In other words, we have $25 more a month than people who qualify for food stamps.

Needless to say, we have been looking for jobs.  When I had our son, I tried going back to work but after paying for daycare I was making about $40 a week.  Now that's just not worth it - - to have someone else raise my baby!  So I became a stay-at-home mom while my husband continues to work full-time.  Here are the ways that I contribute financially (my jobs):
  • I plan the budget and make sure that we stay on budget.
This is one of the hardest jobs that I have!  Staying on a budget has never been something that I'm good at.  BUT because it is one of my main jobs, I can focus my attention on it and really try.  Reading blogs helps me a lot.  One of my favorite blogs is called Blissful and Domestic.  Danielle, the author of this blog, posted about Living on a Budget back in June.  When I read it, I found that many of the ideas presented in this post are things that we already do so I found it very encouraging.
  • I grocery shop once a month, and keep us out of the grocery store otherwise (as much as possible).
Again, an idea that I found on Blissful and Domestic, we shop only once a month for groceries.  When we go to the grocery store more than once a month, we always spend more.  It's really hard at first (and we just recently started), but it's SO worth it!
  • I work part-time
A great way to contribute to the household financially is to work part-time, either from home or when the hubby comes home.  When we first found out we were pregnant with our little one, my parents kept suggesting that either hubby or I work at night.  Although this is probably a great solution for a lot of people, I am confident that we made the right decision for our family.  I couldn't bear the thought of "never" seeing my husband... so I had to come up with ways to make money and still be home in the evenings.  These are the ways I came up with:
- I tutor in the evenings for an hour as soon as hubby gets home - - which allows me to be home in time for a late dinner together and bedtime.
- I became an Usborne Books & More Consultant.  This allows me to get books for homeschooling (eventually) as well as get out of the house and have some adult interactions.
- I blog.  Although I am just getting started with this, I'm hoping that it will become a source of income sooner or later.
- I work part-time at my church on Sunday mornings.  This allows me to spend time with my family on Saturdays (our church offers a Saturday night service) and my husband and baby to have some quality time on Sunday mornings until I get home.
  • I look for recipes and cost-cutting ideas online.
Pinterest is great!!  I check it once a day, and try to spend no more than 30 minutes on it at a time (I don't want to be on the computer all day, and Pinterest can be addictive!).  I "follow" people who have similar interests as me, and I don't follow boards/people that are not going to be helpful to me.  The only things I pin are things I intend to use, and I often try things as soon as I pin them!  You can follow me on Pinterest here.
  • I keep track of our bills, and whenever possible I pay them as soon as they come.
This is one that I still have some trouble with.  We're still having trouble paying all of our bills each month, until we start making more money.  But for those of you who have enough funds to pay your bills each month, it's a great idea to pay bills as soon as they come.
  • I keep in contact with our loan companies.
Two months ago I had a lot of calls to catch up on, and my name actually went to collections because I hadn't contacted our loan companies in so long.  We haven't been able to afford our bills, but I had been putting off calling them.  But guess what?  It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be.  The way it worked out, God really blessed us because my name was sent to collections.  That's what got the ball rolling on my Direct Loan, and what helped me to call the companies and defer my payments.

Praise God for hard times, because they help us to become better stewards of what He has given us!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

No Money for a Date Night?

Over the past few days, I've been browsing blogs online that give ideas for dates!  I've found a lot of date ideas that cost money - - certainly more money than we can afford!  But there were a few that I thought I would share with you, because they're super cheap.

I highly recommend this site to anyone who wants ideas for date nights with your spouse!!  I got a bunch of these ideas from the dating divas.  Most of them I toned down so that they can just be done on a whim because I'm making a date jar for my hubby on our 3rd wedding anniversary!

Here are the dates I'm putting in my jar... most of the ideas taken from the dating divas, some of my own in there, and some of the ideas that Jennifer originally posted in her date jar blog (again, both sites are linked above).

Like Jennifer did, I'm color-coding the Popsicle sticks that I use to signify planning needed as well as amount of money.  That way when we need a simple last-minute date after the baby is in bed, we can pull from the white Popsicle sticks.  When we want to plan a date in advance that costs a little more money, we can pull from the blue ones.  The purple sticks are going to signify cheaper dates that can either be at home or out of the house.

So, here we go!

Blue Sticks = Expensive, Planning Needed
  • Couples Massage
  • Concert and dinner (his/her choice)
  • Hotel stay for a night
  • Letter Date (choose a letter and everything you do starts with that letter)
  • Italian Date
  • Dinner and a Movie (his choice/her choice)
  • Laser Tag
  • New Cuisine
  • Drive-In Movie
  • Red Robin (you can put your favorite restaurant in here)
  • Choose Your Own Adventure
  • Dinner at a fancy restaurant
Pink Sticks = Cheap, Minimal Planning
  • Make dessert for dinner
  • Dollar Date (dollar store, dollar menu dinner, dollar theater)
  • Walmart BINGO
  • Strip HORSE
  • Bite-Sized Treats guessing game
  • Root Beer Floats
  • Visit a Bakery and pick out some treats, eat by the canal
  • 2 Redbox movies
  • Dollar Store presents
  • Milkshake w/2 straws
  • Ice Cream sandwiches w/ the sunset
  • Dollar Theater
  • Window Shopping
  • Bowling
  • Coffee House
  • Bookstore Date
  • Go Picasso
  • Go to the park
  • Sledding/Rollerblading
  • Go to a game together
  • Garage Sale
White Sticks = Cheap, No Planning (Home)
  • Takeout and board games
  • Game Night
  • Blackout Date (turn all lights off and think of things you can do in the dark)
  • Make chocolate bowls
  • Play Guess that Tune
  • Watch home videos
  • Harry Potter Marathon
  • Blindfold Night
  • At-Home Spa Night
  • Nature Walk
  • Popcorn Fun (find as many uses for popcorn as you can)
  • Bubble Bath
  • 1,000 piece puzzle and pizza
  • Make a home video (idea - - interview each other for your kids to watch one day)
  • Stargaze
  • Feed Ducks
  • Homemade Pizza
  • Popcorn & a chick flick
  • Make soap sculptures
  • Crossword and breakfast for dinner
  • Saturday Morning Cartoons
  • Flavored Gum comparison
  • Pillow Talk
  • Love notes in books
  • Sudoku together
  • Name that treat
Even when - - no, especially when - - money is tight, it's SO important to make time for each other!  This means getting some time alone with the hubby and being together... finding reasons to laugh and ways to reconnect.  Sometimes the best way to be together is to cuddle on the couch and watch a movie, but a lot of the time what we really need when our pocketbooks are empty is some fellowship with that man we fell in love with!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Well, I'm not really a blogger... not yet, anyway.  For a while now I've been trying to decide what I might blog about.  A week ago I had this idea to write about the two things that soak up most of my attention throughout the day: money and Jesus.

You might not think so, but the two are very closely linked.  My husband and I have always struggled with finances.  We have trouble staying on a budget, and we just can't seem to keep money in our savings account!  After we had our first baby, our budget went down the drain.  I tried going back to work and sending our little munchkin to daycare, but it was just too expensive.  At the end of the day, I only made about $40 a week after paying the daycare!  So I stay at home now.  I picked up a little "job" (if you can call it that - - I'm an independent consultant for Usborne Books & More) and I have continued working at my church for very little pay.  My husband has taken all the raises and overtime he possibly can, but we still don't make enough money to meet the needs of our budget each week.

So, what do you do when there isn't enough money in the bank account to pay all the bills?  That's what this blog is going to be about.  We're going from rags to riches!  (Well, we hope...)  But even if we don't end up being "rich and famous," we already have all the riches we need.

My hope is that this blog will help me cope with the stresses that close-to poverty brings.  I aspire to become a better writer through this blog.  My goal is to come back at least every other day to update.  But most of all I pray that this blog will bring someone closer to the Lord, and the peace, comfort, and joy that He brings - no matter what life's circumstances may have to offer.