Friday, January 18, 2013

Purchases List

We are still waiting for our application to be processed for the apartment complex.  Until then, I'm here dreaming about our new place - and everything I want to do!

There are so many new things that I will want in this new place.  Because there are several expensive things, and because our budget doesn't allow for big purchases on a whim, I decided to make a nice list and prioritize the purchases that I need/want.  That way, I can start saving now for the first thing that I want.  When I've saved enough, I'll go out and buy it - - then start saving for #2.

I gave some thought to my list and my priorities, but I know that moving can and will always add more things to that list that I never would have thought of, so I left some spaces to the side of each purchase for my to write in other things (they'll just be 1A, 1 B, etc.).  I can still prioritize the things that I want to add to the list without rewriting the whole thing.

I think this will be a great way for my family to get into the habit of saving for purchases, and it will be helpful to have a "reward" after saving for a while of actually being able to buy that thing that we've been looking forward to getting!  We'll be focused on the item that we are saving for, and we'll know that the other things can wait.

If you want to use this method along with me, here is the document I created.  Leave me a comment about how it's working for you!  I'd love to hear your feedback!


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