Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Best Feeding Method for my Family

DISCLAIMER: This post includes MY opinions about what works best for MY family in terms of feeding.  I don't judge you, you don't judge me.  Okay?  {By reading on you are agreeing to not judge} :)  Thanks!

When my Peanut was born, I planned to try breastfeeding.  Once breastfeeding was going well, I made it my goal to nurse him for 6 months (and in the back of my mind, if I made it to 3 months I would consider that a huge success!).

Well, the Peanut got his first taste of formula at 2 months, 2 weeks, and 5 days old.  And let me tell you, it's the best thing I've done for our family since coming home from the hospital!

I love that I exclusively breastfed for as long as I did.  I'm proud of myself for making it that long - - significantly longer than I made it with the Love Bug!  I know that "Breast is Best."  I'm not arguing with that - - it just makes sense that the best nutrition for my baby would be what God gave me to feed him!  Doy, people.  God knows what He's doing!  But for my family, right now, a combination of breastmilk AND {brace yourself} formula is best.

When I was exclusively breastfeeding, I was in a slump.  I don't want to go so far as to say I hated breastfeeding, but... well, I hated breastfeeding.  I formula-fed my firstborn, so I was used to being able to look into my son's eyes while feeding him.  I couldn't do that while breastfeeding.  I also couldn't leave the house without pumping my brains out, which made it so difficult to do anything that made me feel like a normal human being.  I didn't like being the only one who could feed him, because I also wanted to be able to make dinner each night, regardless of when the Peanut needed to be fed.

After two months of feeling more like a milk maid than a mom, I finally talked to my husband about introducing formula.  Here's what we came up with:

I would nurse him when he woke up first thing in the morning (usually between 6-7am)
He would get bottles of formula all through the day, until 7pm
I would pump during nap time
I would nurse him at bedtime (7pm) and throughout the night whenever he woke up (usually between 11:30-12:30 and 3-4am when we started out)
The milk I pump is being saved in the freezer for the day he does turn 6 months old and I really am done with breastfeeding all together - - that way, he'll still be able to get at least a little breastmilk after I'm done.

OH.  MY.  GOODNESS.  What a difference it made!  Not only am I happier, but my kids have their mama back.  I can now cherish the time I spend holding my Peanut for his feedings.  I can look him in the eye and he'll even stop once in a while to smile at me.  He's still getting the nutrients of my breastmilk, without making me feel like a milkmaid all day long.  I can bring him to the babysitter and go to work without pumping while I get dressed in the morning.  And hubby can feed him, too!

Happy baby AND mama after first taste of formula!

This is what is working for our family.  I know that Breast is Best, and that's why he's still getting that milky goodness, too.  If you're considering stopping breastfeeding, I encourage you to consider a similar schedule, where you nurse half the time and use formula the other half.  Be aware of what it will do to your milk supply, though!  I anticipate I'll be done nursing and pumping by the time he's 6 months old (which is the way I want it - - but make sure you are okay with what it will do to your body).  Do your research!  Here are some links that really helped me:

Breastfeeding vs Formula Feeding Infographic
The Common Misconceptions of Formula Feeding Mothers
How I Stored 300 ounces of Breastmilk in 3 Months
Timeline of a Breastfed Baby

Happy feeding - however you choose!

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