Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Lazy Days

Lazy Days - - that's all I've had recently.  I am so tired all the time that all I have the energy to do is throw a load of laundry in the washer, feed the Love Bug, and then sit down to rest.

A big part of it is the pregnancy - - and the fact that I don't like being pregnant doesn't help.  But another big part of it is that I have simply allowed myself to get lazy.

I have my good days each week, don't get me wrong.  I still have the ability to make hubby come home and say, "Wow, babe, you went to town today!" when he looks around the house.  Those are the good days.  There are also the days when I get out of the house and get to the playground, run errands, or go out to visit someone.  Those are good days, too.  But today, like most days, I have no plans.  I cleaned yesterday so there's really nothing to do in that area (that I want to do or feel like I still can with my big cow of a belly), and I have nowhere to be.  So the "plan" today will be to rest.

I'm so sick of resting!!  But I'm not willing to give it up - - it's just an inner struggle.  I'm ready for this baby to be here.  I'm tired of waiting, tired of being tired (though I know that with a newborn tiredness is going to be a regular feeling in our household for a while).

So I'll rest.  I'll beat the last few levels on Roller Coaster Tycoon and I'll catch up on all my shows.  And in the midst of this rest, I'll find something fun to do with my toddler that doesn't tire me out too much.

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