Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Surviving Pregnancy

I hate being pregnant.  I mean, really hate it.  When I was pregnant with my first baby, I felt guilty for hating every second of it.  By now I've made my peace with it - - and I've realized that I'm not the only one who feels this way!

Whether you hate every living breathing moment of being pregnant or you cherish the miracle happening inside of you, we have to find a way to survive it, don't we?  I've been working on a list of products, attitudes, and activities that have helped me survive my pregnancies... and maybe even find some ways to enjoy it for a split second.

Summer's Eve Products
Have you ever heard of Summer's Eve?  It's this ingenious company that makes wash and deodorant for our lady parts.  If you are pregnant, or ever have been, you know how uncomfortable it is to realize how you smell down there... and there's really nothing we can do to stop it!  Summer's Eve products make me feel more feminine and certainly less... well, stinky.  I use the feminine wash at the end of every shower, and I use the deodorant every day at this point.

Take a Video of Your Belly Moving
Even if you don't want to share it with anyone, sit down and take a video of your moving belly - - it will cheer you up!!

Go for a Walk
Okay, I'm a lazy pregnant woman.  I sit on the couch and watch TV most of the day.  Walking up the stairs to change a child's diaper is way too much work!  Going for a walk is often the furthest thing from my mind - - but then I step outside out of necessity and realize what the fresh air can do for me!  And bringing my son for a walk is good for him, too - - he gets some energy out, which is wonderful for both of us!

Drink lots of Water
The doctor told me this when I was pregnant the first time, but I didn't want to listen (go figure!).  But drinking lots of water actually does make me feel better.  It helps with feet swelling, cramps, energy, and a whole lot more!

I hate maternity pants.  So when I'm too big for my jeans (with a hair tie holding the button closed), I only wear sweatpants!!  Actually, this time around I picked up a $5 pair of jeans that are two sizes above what I usually wear and they fit great!  I need more sweatpants, though, because I always feel better being pregnant when I'm comfortable... and jeans are not really the way to do that.

Milk it!!
I've learned to enjoy the perks of being pregnant - - like having people wait on me hand and foot, rubbing my feet, and carrying things/holding doors for me.  I also have enjoyed eating whatever I want, whenever I want.  If I have a craving, it's a good enough reason for us to have that food for dinner!

What helps you survive pregnancy?

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