Saturday, December 7, 2013

Dear Baby Boy

My Darling Son,

Tomorrow is your due date!  How I've longed for this day.  I just can't wait to see your cute little face and hold your little hands in mine.  Your daddy is just as excited, and your big brother is anxious to rock you in your cradle.  He's been practicing with his Lego people.

I know that tomorrow is the day you're officially "fully baked" and allowed to come out, but in the grand scheme of 9 months, one day won't matter that much.

Little Bity, if you wait until tomorrow (or later) to come, it doesn't just affect you and me any more.  Grandpa has to leave town tomorrow, and he won't be back for another week.  If you don't come today, you won't get to meet him until you're a week old.  I know what you're thinking - - you could just swim around in there for another week.  Well, if you do that, we'll miss Goodberry Christmas.  Yep, it's a week from tomorrow.  Even coming now puts us in a tight spot to get used to being out of the house before December 15.

Not convinced?

Daddy is on call through Thursday, unless you come.
Mommy is getting more and more uncomfortable each day.
You'll have more room to stretch out here!!
I have candy!

I know your brother waited 6 days after his due date to come - - perhaps you're feeling like it's unfair I'm putting so much pressure on you.  Well, my sweetie, fair isn't always equal.  Love Bug came in his own time, and he came in time to meet everyone before they moved to North Carolina.  You can come in your own time, too, but I'm asking that you come today!

Yes, it's cold out here - - but I will keep you warm.
Yes, it's loud - - but we will all speak soft.
Yes, it's scary - - but it will be a lot less scary when we're all together.
Yes, there are tears - - but there are also tears of joy.

You have already brought us so much joy, Little Bity.  I can't imagine loving you more than I do at this moment, and yet I know that my love for you will continue to overflow with each day of your life.  I just can't wait any more!

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